Health & Fitness

What happened AFTER I completed Cambridge Weight Plan (1:1 Diet)

Cambridge Diet worked. Let’s get that out of the way. It worked for sure but…

This is the thing, right. Its not the programs I have been on to lose weight, its me and I take full responsibility for this yo-yo weight loss journey. And one thing I’d like to say is that life is not constant, we keep changing and so should our routines. For those who are not familiar, Cambridge Weight Plan (now known as 1:1 Diet Plan) is a (VLCD) very low calorie diet which involves meal replacement food with almost no exercise required.

There’s a lot that I can share as a review for this plan, but that’s for another post. Today, I want to share what happened after the huge success of losing 14 kilos in 4 months. I thought its forever and that’s where I went wrong.

I am almost back to where I began before starting to lose weight. Lets talk in numbers. I was 77.1 kgs when I started Cambridge Weight Plan in December 2019 and then I lost 14 kilos in 4 months, bringing me to 63 kgs. Since April 2020 I have gained 8 kilos back, bringing my current weight to 71 Kgs. I cant imagine how I got to this point.. again. What went wrong?

One week of complacency stretched into a few weeks and became months and before I knew it, I was 8 kilos heavier. What was I doing in the past 7 months? Lets have a look.

  • Sweets: Damn the sweet tooth.. gets me each and every time. Cakes, McD apple pies,Ben & Jerry cookie dough.. oh and vanilla icecream with crunchy peanut butter.. yummm! Irresistable. Although these were very small quantities but they were way too frequent.
  • Late night snacking- McD nuggets primarily.
  • Carb intake- Well I wasnt having too much of carbs and stuck to white rice and breads. However, going from zero carbs on the plan to bringing it back in my diet with no exercise.. yes for sure I was going to gain the weight back. No brainer, right?
  • NIL Exercise. Probably a few abs workout here and there, a short walk with my dog.. Not enough.


Calorie IN < Calorie OUT= WEIGHT LOSS

And I was doing the opposite. So in no time, the little increments in the waist size started to show and I was not happy. I thought I can get away with it but thanks (or no thanks) to Facebook memory pics, an old Dec 2019 photo came up and Gosh I was shocked that I was actually heading towards that one more time, all the efforts I put in the entire year was all going to waste if I didn’t take charge of my body now.

There are a number of things I did to get back in the routine that would lead to fitness, not just weight loss. For the next two months, my goal is to get to the weight in April, after the Cambridge success. … 65 kgs and tons and tons of energy! I wasn’t going to give it away that easy.

I am not doing Cambridge anymore. It was the right at the time, but with my renewed energy and activated taste buds, I really want to EAT not starve and I want to work out real hard. That’s the lifestyle I believe is sustainable in the long run.

If you would like to know what I did to turn it all around, how I set my new goals, what my diet plan and workout regime looks like now, make sure you subscribe to be notified of my next post.

Lots of love, XOXO



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