Plan with me

Weekly Planner Layout in my Happy Planner

Welcome to my first Planner post! I have been doing this for a while.. ‘being a planner addict that is’. It all started when life got out of whack and I kept missing important dates. My life got too busy and planning ahead was the only way to dump stuff on a paper and allow myself a free mind.

Today planning is an essential part of my life to the extent that if its not on my planner, it has a fair bit of chance of being forgotten or missed. I jot down anything from appointments, gym days and workouts, meals of the week, date nights, photoshoots, styling sessions etc. Oh and bills! Although I have set my bills to direct debit I like to know how much money is disappearing per day. Maybe I will do a post on how I budget to make sure my debts are paid on time and I still have enough left over to play with. Plus have savings. Stay tuned…

Handmade stickers using Free Printables from Victoria Thatcher

Jotting things down is one thing, decorating the planner is a totally different ball game. With years of being a planner and stationery addict and inspired by a number of planner girls on Youtube, I have amassed a wealth of collection of washi tapes, etsy stickers, colored pens. This is obviously the artistic side of me and I realise that some may think this is a total waste of time and just stick to functional planning to ‘get the job done’. I have such days too.. in fact, weeks.. sometimes months when my planner has only black ink and nothing else. 100% functional.

But decorating my planner, laying out the stickers, using beautiful handwriting to put down my plans for the week.. thats purely therapeutic for me.

Weekly layout in my Happy Planner

I have a lot going on in my life just because I ‘plan it that way’. I dont like to have a lot of free time, it freaks me out. I need to be busy, creative and productive. Therefore having a planner that can encompasses my crazy life on a page makes sense.. for me. Some are more digital and may have a system that works for them.

Here’s a list of some of my favorite Etsy sellers who stock beautiful planner kits. The one above is from Mum and me Handmade Designs.

Planning is a vast subject so I may be pop your questions in the comment section and I will happily answer them for you. 🙂

That’s a wrap. Happy planning everyone.

Lots of Love,




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